Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Typical British Food

If you have ever wondered what keeps typical British food alive in England today, you really need look no further than the family kitchen. Quite simply put, more traditional and typical foods of the region will be served to a family at home, than what will be served in a fancy restaurant. Many of the large scale posh restaurants in England that you come across will have menus that are predominately upscale worldly dishes. These dishes could be native of Spain, Germany or even Africa. To find the foods that the people of England enjoy or even depend on, you need to go to the homes.

Typical British food can come in many variations. Soups and stews have long been a staple of the people of England. So too have been the hot dishes that take the bite out of the crisp cold that they face in the cooler months. Whatever it is that you are looking for in regards to common foods of England, the best place to look is with the common people.

Sweets And Pastries

If you are looking for typical British food, you could always look at afternoon tea time. there are an assortment of delectable little finger foods that sit alongside a hot pot of tea. Small pastries and delicate sweets often accompany a nice mid afternoon tea and this is something that has been going on since as far back as the mid 1800's. pastries and other flaky desserts is a mainstay in the small side stores or cafes that will dot the streets of London. The presence of these treats only gives way to proof that old power still has its mark known in this country. If you are to look beyond the pastries and sweets themselves, you can also find that typical British food can lead you to puddings of all sorts as well.

A sweet pudding known as Yorkshire pudding is something that has been served to both royalty and peasants alike for as long as remembered. Typical British food starts and ends with puddings as many see it. This is a very common fare and one that still has a very strong presence within the small eateries in the country.

Help From Others

While not every typical British food actually originated in England, you can see that the British have adopted the food as their own when the foreigners either settled or left. What the travellers brought was a different way of doing things. They brought food ideas that were new and odd, yet once the foods were tried and shaped to fit the British lifestyle they were readily accepted. Many of the seafood items that were available to the British were not really recognized as food. It was when traveller from the Mediterranean region came over, that the British found that they had something worthwhile on their shores.

Today much of what would be considered typical British food still exists. Whether it is originally British fades in importance. What it important however is that these foods are a primary for the people that eat them each and every day.


  1. "If you are looking for typical British food, you could always look at afternoon tea time..."

    So true.. their teas are the best! A little stronger for me but I like it. perfect together with their trademark dishes and pastries like Yorkshire puddings and apple crumble.
    Hmmm.. I feel like I'm actually having them here.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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