Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Best Blueberry Or Blackberry Pie Raw Recipe

If you're looking for a healthy alternative to cooked berry pies or even cooked desserts that are laden with unhealthy fats and sugars, why not try my live-food, free, easy, raw berry pie recipe. Many people are gradually making the switch from cooked desserts and cooked foods which are causing so many of our health problems today. It doesn't matter if you're a raw fooder or eat the standard American diet; you'll love this raw berry pie recipe and know that you're doing your body good in the process.

In fact making a raw berry pie does not require turning on the oven and can be made in virtually minutes. I have often timed myself and can make this pie in ten minutes or less if the ingredients are assembled. Equipment: food processor.

This is my own creation, one of many vegetarian, vegan and raw food recipes that I have developed and created over the past few years as a raw fooder - eating raw foods, having cured myself of breast cancer, fibromyalgia, arthritis and sinus infections along with many other ailments.

You can use the pie crust for dozens of other types of raw food recipes or live pies including raw or live apple pie. I've experimented with dozens of variations and tried various ingredients but I've found this raw blackberry or blueberry pie recipe is the best, fastest and easiest recipe to make. In fact if you're going to have company coming over you can whip this free raw food diet recipe up in no time.

Helen's Best Raw Berry Pie - the ingredients: 12 organic medjool dates, 1 cup raw pecans, 4 cups fresh or frozen blueberries, blackberries or boysenberries and 2 bananas.

For the crust put 1 cup of raw pecans in a food processor and grind until fine. Add 8 pitted organic medjool dates and process until mixed fairly well. Place into a 9-inch pie plate.

For the binder mix two bananas, 8 berries or so for colour and 4 medjool dates in a food processor - use the same food processor - don't need to wash it. Remove to large bowl and carefully fold in 4 cups of fresh or frozen or partially frozen blueberries, boysenberries or blackberries. Spread berry-binder mixture on top of the crust. Decorate with boysenberries or blackberries around the edge of the pie. Refrigerate.

This live or raw berry pie is a family favourite and one I have served on many occasions to company who are not aware they are eating something healthy containing all the vibrant nutrients - nothing cooked out.

This pie is really good with boysenberries too. You can also slice some fresh kiwi on the top or other fruits that won't turn color.

One nice thing to know about fixing any raw food recipe is that you can eliminate, substitute or add ingredients easily and it will still taste delicious! In this vegan or raw food diet recipe - you may only have one banana on hand for example or you can make half the recipe. You can substitute the pecans for a mixture of one half cup pecans and one half cup walnuts, or all walnuts.

If you live in an area where you have tons of wild blackberries you can make this pie for pennies. Pick blueberries cheaply in the summer and freeze them for year-round use, although fresh berries are always the best. You can make raw berry pies with this free raw food recipe year-round and you'll feel good too knowing you have served your friends and family something that will help them better their health and help them lose weight if they need to too.

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